You have a business, and just like many business owners, you want to improve your bottom line. You will need evaluation methods most common in eCommerce accounting to achieve...
The quick answer to this question is yes, inventory is a current asset. Inventory is composed of the products used in the manufacturing of the final product. Why then...
Q: Andrew, you’ve had an amazing career as an entrepreneur. Can you share with us some of the goals and motivations that drive you every day? Andrew: Internally, my...
Every manufacturing company follows three primary phases in the manufacturing process. First, there is the sourcing of requisite raw materials from suppliers. Naturally, the second step uses these raw...
Any business owner will tell you that effective inventory management is the lifeline of any business. A company has to find an optimal balance between too much inventory that...
The Periodic Inventory System is an inventory management tool where a physical count of available inventory is conducted on a periodic/scheduled basis. It allows businesses to account for their...
For any company to operate optimally, it is important to have an accurate valuation of its inventory. Inventory valuation has the potential to impact numerous business aspects such as...
Whether you run a multinational or a micro-enterprise, you agree with me that a healthy inventory is a crucial ingredient of business success. Management of costs, sales, or even...
One of the crucial elements of running any business is how effectively one can monitor its inventory. Over the years, numerous tools and ratios have come up to assist...
The first challenge for any entrepreneur or wholesaler is to create a great product which follows a dream to occupy a winning shelf in a particular retail store. So...