

We understand that many of our users are visual learners, including myself. Hence, we have prepared a bunch of engaging visuals to help you and your team immerse into the inventory management solution

Why use EMERGE App?

Convince yourself of the benefits of using EMERGE to reduce inefficiencies & boost profit margin today

Getting Started

We invested a mountain of effort into making sure EMERGE is as easy as ABC for the most tech un-savvy users. Check this video and you'll know the best practices to setup EMERGE


Have a glance at all the awesome features for wholesaler and distributors of this inventory management solution that you can use today

Better Pricing, Efficient Stocking & Higher Profits

With EMERGE, you'll be able to price better, stock effeciently leading to less inefficiencies & boost profit

Benefits for Sales Reps

With our customer, product & sales module, your sales rep will thank you for helping them sell better

Packing Dimensions

For export & domestic land or sea shipping, it is absolutely important to ensure your packag dimensions are accurate. Learn how to setup all your product dimensions & quickly generate packing list.

Barcode Dispatch

Learn how to reduce errors from dispatching of products by using our barcode checking feature

Warehouse Locations

Have multiple warehouse location and subsection, learn how to set them up accurately

Consignment Sales

Manage your consigment products & sales with your consignee with this EMERGE workflow

Drop Shipping

Learn how to issue purchase order from your sales order from your customers, directly to your supplier

Benefits for Operations

Learn how much more efficient you wholesale, trading or distributiion company can operate by using EMERGE inventory management solution

Raw Materials

If you produce final product from raw materials, learn how the production management solution works here

Inventory Management

There are 2 main ways of inventory and warehouse management in EMERGE to give you the optimum visibility of your stocks. Learn them here

Sales Orders

Learn how to create sales in EMERGE swiftly when your customer makes an orders, regardless when you're in the office or on the go

Purchase Orders

Learn how to create purchases to your supplier either through standard purcchases, via back to back or back ordering for your customers

Price Lists

Create dynamic price list in EMERGE with our price list management system. Manage customer price list, markups & more

B2B eCommerce

Create a intuitive private e-commerce platform for your customers to login, browse your products, order & make payment in one place


Learn how to manage multiple currencies when buying and selling within EMERGE inventory management system


Get insights from your business from sales, purchases, inventory, customers & suppliers and more. Run your business better and raise your profits

Batches & Expiry Dates

If your product needs to be managed by Batches and/or expiry dates, Learn how to manage them inside EMERGE here

Setting User Access Permissions

We breakdown major parts of the app to give you control on the accessibility for each user that you assign in your company. We value information sensitivity for different users

Using Stripe with EMERGE App

Collect payment via credit or debit card from your clients as we embed a payment link inside your invoice for smooth payment by your customers

Picking up a new inventory management app during the growing phase of a business might be daunting, exhausting and downright distracting. But we know that is completely essential in this 21st centure trading & distribution environment to thrive and compete.

Each of the training video has been recorded as a core functions of the app. It also has a specific link that you can copy and share with your team, partner and associates to help them get onboard the inventory management solution more fliuently.

The videos step by step flow helps to immerse and excite you to want to progress further, injecting motivation to get your business onboard EMERGE faster