
7 Killer Ways to Promote Your Store Offline

Offline Marketing Strategies

Since the world is emphasizing more on online marketing, we have forgotten the importance of offline marketing.

There are still some potential customers who don’t know your product or services you’re selling, due to the fact that they don’t use the internet much, or your ads are unable to reach them.

To advertise offline, there are many ways that could help you in converting potential customers, for the long term.

Offline marketing is basically any type of marketing that you do without including the internet.

Though the internet provides you a large number of audience, but the quality of audience you get in the offline advertisement is way better and loyal.

Let’s us discuss some offline ways to promote your store.

7 Best Offline Marketing Strategies You must Try

1. Stationary and Magazines

You can promote your store by giving business cards to people you meet and to people you think would suggest other people for considering your store. It is a direct way to tell people about your website and kind of store you’re running.

Not only cards, you can print your store details on invoices, receipts of other companies payments, so that people would look into them and at least have a curiosity to find out.

Printed envelopes are also good at door to door by the area you think would be interested in your store. You can add your logos and company to various stationary items so that they can catch people’s attention.

Print media is a great offline advertising measure, and if you use it correctly and dedicate your time and investment, you’re surely going to get good results.

You can also print brochures, pamphlets, and infographics. You can distribute them in public places to random people and talk for a minute as to why exactly your store sells, features and much more.

Another great print media is magazines, you can choose any product from your store to display, and get a review or something, to make your store look good in the magazines.

Dedicate a whole article to a local magazine, if you can’t a simple innovating advertisement will do. People read magazines extensively, and that might a good way to grab potential customers.

2. Giveaways

You can giveaway notebooks, pads, diaries, pens and other, day to day usable items with your stamp on it. This way, people will recognize you and pay attention to your store. This is a great advertisement strategy and works like charm.

You can distribute stationary to students at your nearby university, or offices, anywhere.

For offices, you can also giveaway calendars, coffee mugs, and other usable things. People love free gifts and if you’re giving them with some purpose, then they do return a favor by at least considering visiting your store.

T-shirts printed with your company logo, and something cool written on is always a good idea for giveaways. You can target college students, young people, influential people of your area to get to wear them. It can be of great use in marketing offline.

3. Event Sponsorship

There are many college fests, university events, community events and other charity events happen every year.

You can easily approach the organizers and give them sponsorship and have an impact on a great number of audiences.

In that event, you can also giveaway freebies, so basically, if you know how to market yourself, you will survive.

These events generally have high footfall, making it extremely easy to reach a very large audience, also, students are mostly interested in trying new things, your store could become one of them.

4. Conferences

Attend conferences related to your business, store, and products. Make your connections there, give a speech, know more people, deal with them, basically, make connections with people at these conferences, because these impacts are lost lasting, and can give you long term benefits.

You can also meet new people outside any business event, related to your store. There is nothing that beats direct interaction with customers, if you focus on talking them into considering your store, you may end up with a good amount of honest customers. So do the talking for impressing your potential customers.

5. Hoardings and advertisements

You can buy hoardings which are catch attention of the people and advertise your store here. These hoardings are of great impact and can attract people more than you think. Advertisements in parks, small hoardings can also be of great help.

6. Partnership

You can make some company partnership in letting your store on their products covers. For an example, local candy store, chocolate store, or relevant store to your business.

By this, you’re gaining the customers of that shop, and people will automatically think that your store has the same credibility as the shop. You can become a partner in advertising of your related business to maximize the reach of the advertisement.

7. Vehicles

If you have vehicles owned by your store or used by the store. You can advertise on them, about what your store does, how your product is helpful and better. You can advertise in an innovative way so that people can instantly get impressed by it.

These vehicles roam around the city, which increase the audience exponentially, also, you can encourage other vehicles also to advertise your store, by sampling paying them, or exchange of some of your services.


By these ways, you can easily increase your sales by advertising your store offline. These ways are tested, popular and work.

However, you can always come up with great ideas of offline marketing on your own.