So you’ve had your fill of turkey leftovers for the past week, and you’ve rung in the New Year in style. Now you’ve got the post-holiday blues for a...
It’s that time of the year again! You sang Auld Lang Syne until your voice was hoarse. And you might still be shaking off a hangover and wondering where...
Wholesalers and distributors run a tight ship. This business model depends on a massive volume of orders to be fulfilled accurately and shipped on time, every time. The sheer...
Humans are strange creatures. We generally behave in a rational manner in our day-to-day lives. But when confronted with a choice, we can be gently manipulated by psychological pricing...
It’s not all doom and gloom for small brick-and-mortar retailers. E-commerce sales might be dominating the headlines during the holiday season. However, the fact remains that online sales still...
With Halloween fast approaching on 31st October, it’s all too easy to get caught up in trick-or-treating, jack-o’-lanterns, costumes, and haunted attractions. What started simply as All Hallows’ Evening...
Is India GST Ready? Fresh out of the oven and just in time for the new GST. EMERGE App’s new multi-tax feature was specially built and launched for the...
Introduction B2B or Business-to-Business simply means business dealing between two businesses. This can be a trade between buyer and seller, manufacturer and a merchant, or between a wholesaler and...
B2B (business-to-business) is the exchange of products, services or information between businesses. It is also known as e-business. Business-to-business refers to a situation where one business deals with another...
B2B sites are online marketplaces for a number of traders, manufacturers, exporters, wholesalers, suppliers and service providers. They all meet here together and get maximum exposure to the potential...